AXstore modernes Template für xmstore
Responsive xmstore Template.
Weiterleitung zu einem Online Formular
AXstore Template für xmstore CMS
AXstore Template für xmstore CMS
AXstore wurde speziell für xmstore CMS entwickelt. Homepage, Kategorien, Artikel / Bildseiten wurden komplett überarbeitet und in ein modernes Design umgesetzt. Das Template hat ein minimalistisches Design. Das responsive Layout sorgt dafür, dass Ihre E-Commerce Seite auf verschiedenen Geräten wie Smartphones, Tablets oder Desktop gleichermaßen attraktiv erscheint.
Entwickelt fürDas Template bietet
- Responsive Webdesign, geeignet für Desktop, Smartphone und Tablet
- Darstellung von Meta Infos und Geo Daten (Voraussetzung: diese Infos sind in Fotos enthalten)
- Autoren Block
- Optimiert für die Suchmaschinen
- Mehrsprachigkeit, alle Texte können im Backend angepasst werden
- Erweiterbar
Preise AXstore xmstore Template
Preise AXstore xmstore Template
Die Website wird zu einem fest vereinbarten Preis aktualisiert. Alle unsere Produkte rechnen wir nicht nach Stunden ab, sondern nach Leistungen und Umfang.
- 1x Lizenz
- 1 Jahr Update Service
Standard Plus
- 1x Lizenz
- 1 Jahr Update Service
- Inklusive Installationsservice:
AXstore Installation
Anpassung von
Changes log
Changes log
Version 2.0.0 - September 01, 2022
Serious updates in terms of:
- Translatability of the template, all texts can now be customized and translated in backend.
- Visibility in the frontend of the annotation of the image.
- All custom data are now in a separate folder
- More settings options in axstore.conf
- Author block
- Improved call of the categories from the data base
- Setting of colors in the backend
Version 2.0.0 - September 01, 2022
Serious updates in terms of:
- Translatability of the template, all texts can now be customized and translated in backend.
- Visibility in the frontend of the annotation of the image.
- All custom data are now in a separate folder
- More settings options in axstore.conf
- Author block
- Improved call of the categories from the data base
- Setting of colors in the backend
Version 1.6.1 - January 21, 2022
Significant improvement in algorithm for building of hierarchical view of the categories.
Some translation changes.
Version 1.5.3 - May 19, 2021
Some translation improvements.
Possibility to use main header background image for all categories
Version 1.5.2 - April 22, 2021
Some minor improvements.
Version 1.5.1 - April 20, 2021
Search functionality improvement.
Version 1.5.0 - April 12, 2021
The Category and Search view had been improved with sliding up quick action buttons over image preview.
Version 1.4.1-5 - March 29, 2021
Bug fixing.
The new view of categories cloud has been added.
Photo's detail view has been enhanced (categories block)
When the user will choose "Best" sorting options in the category or search result view he will see the newest photos first.
Version 1.4.0 - February 15, 2021
Open Graph meta tags added
Minor bug fixing
Version 1.3.0 - January 26, 2021
A responsive slider has been added.
Version 1.2.2 - Desember 15, 2020
Different bug fixes and categories view improvement.
Version 1.2.1 - Desember 14, 2020
Subcategories links with thumbnails has been added to the search results page.
Version 1.2 - November 19, 2020
Subcategories links with thumbnails and categories breadcrumbs have been added on the header of the category page.
Some bugs fixes
Version 1.1.2 - November 11, 2020
Accordion categories tree sorted by alphabet.
Version 1.1.1 - October 22, 2020
Bug Fix: Preview download link.
Language code and user privilege level check added.
Version 1.1.0 - October 16, 2020
Categories Hierarchical Tree view has been added
Color CSS styles have been moved into a separate file
The system of template blocks has been enhanced
Version 1.0.0 - September 4, 2020
First release
Wie kann ich eine Lizenz von AXstore erwerben?
Wie kann ich eine Lizenz von AXstore erwerben?
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FOTO und WEBagentur
- Talstraße 14
89584 Ehingen Donau